Skin Disorder in BTM Layout, Bangalore

Skin Disorders

If you don’t bathe properly, you’ll get rashes’. We’ve all heard this, when we were young, but being unhygienic is not the only cause for eczema. Skin disorder such as eczema, allergic dermatitis, urticaria, skin allergypsoriasis, etc. are usually signs of a larger constitutional problem. Thus, merely treating the visible rash will not cure the skin problem. A homeopathy is an effective form of treatment for skin disorders in BTM Layout, Bangalore as it addresses the root cause of the problem.

When it comes to homeopathy treatment, no medicine can be used universally for skin disorders.

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Start your journey to better health with our dedicated homeopathy professionals. Contact us today for a consultation.

Why Homeopathy For Skin Disorders?

Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The solution is chosen using a holistic approach based on individualization and symptoms similarity. Compared to conventional medication, the treatment of skin disorders with homeopathic remedies appears to be more safe and satisfactory to the patient, improving quality of life and general health.

Our homeopathic treatment can fully erase skin problems or issues by removing the underlying cause.

Homeopathic treatment is safe and gentle, without any side effects. Homeopathic remedies aid in the repair of the underlying cause of the skin condition, resulting in a long-term solution.

Homeopathy medicines are provided based on a person’s unique physical, emotional, and genetic makeup. Skin symptoms can be managed extremely effectively using homeopathy. It also helps in preventing the illness from relapsing and improves the person’s overall health.

Some benefits associated with homeopathic skin treatments are:


Psoriasis is an auto-immune disorder, characterized by red patches over the skin, causing an itching and burning sensation. It is caused due to inflammation in skin cells.

Psoriasis is a non-contagious disorder, which means it does not spread with any touch or physical contact.

At Marutha Homeo, our experts have experience in treating Psoriasis from roots with our Homeopathic medicines and their treatment plans.

Psoriasis can occur all over the body, but it appears mainly in the scalp, knee, elbows, and lower back. Psoriasis may be genetically transferred.

Symptoms of Psoriasis

Psoriasis symptoms vary from person to person but the most common of them are:

How Does Homeopathy Work for Psoriasis

Allopathic medicines suppress symptoms of Psoriasis and provide temporary relief with long-term effects on the body. However, the prescription of allopathic treatment only includes immunosuppressant which harms individual’s body and further damage the vital organs.

On the other hand, homeopathy promotes the inclusion of naturally driven therapies and herbal remedies to ease the signs and eradicate the cause of illness. This helps in treating the patient from within and secures a healthy and balanced life ahead.


Acne or pimples is an inflammatory skin disease of sebaceous (oil) glands consisting of blemishes that can occur on face, neck, chest, shoulder and back. It can be a very distressing and troublesome skin disorders that teenagers and even adults face. The factors contributing to development of acne are hormonal changes, bacterial infection, certain medications and genetics.

Acne can appear as : 

Whiteheads: which are round white blemishes that form when hair follicles become clogged.

Blackheads: which are round, dark blemishes that form when white heads reach the skin’s surface and touch air.

Pustules: the classical pimples which are inflamed skin glands clogged with pus.

Cysts: when pimples filled with pus break penetrate deeper within the skin.

How does homeopathy work for acne/pimples?

Homeopathic medicines have shown a good response in treating acne/pimples and in preventing it from recurring. These medicines work by stimulating body’s own healing process and enhance body’s self-recovering capacity.

Homeopathy treats the disease at the root level without suppressing the disease and restores the deviated immunity back to normal.


Eczema is an autoimmune disorder wherein the skin overreacts to certain triggers in or outside the body resulting in inflammation and lesions. Eczema is also known as atopic dermatitis. The skin becomes dry, patchy, and rough, and it tends to form itchy and red blisters.

Eczema is usually caused due to inflammation; in most cases, allergy triggers eczema.

It has been observed that quite often, patients who suffer from eczema have a family history of allergy. In some cases, patients having other allergies may also develop eczema. Apart from this, low immunity triggers this skin disease.

In Homeopathy Treatment, various homeopathic medicine for eczema and itchy skin are available.

How does homeopathy work for Eczema?

Treating eczema might be possible by taking several medications. But treating doesn’t mean curing. People who suffer from eczema know how irritating the disorder is. So they want a cure for eczema, which is possible with homeopathic medicines. Homeopathy is known for curing eczema, from the root.

Basically, homeopathy helps to improve the immune system, as low immunity is responsible for causing allergies. When immunity is built, and low immunity quits from overreacting to several reactions, eczema is cured.

Fungal infection

Fungus are microorganisms which are present everywhere around you. From inside the house to out on the road, fungi are present all over. At times, they may enter the bloodstream through your skin and cause various fungal infections. Fungal infections should not be left to heal on their own. They need immediate medical treatment and can be cured as soon as proper medicine is administered.

Homeopathy uses some of the most natural extracts or natural ingredients to cure fungal infections. This means that not only would your infection heal but also there would be no scope of any side effects.

Most Common Questions

There are many factors that go into skin disorders happening. Generally speaking, there are things that can be done to minimize the risk of developing a skin disease. However, some things, such as genetics, can stack the odds against this.

Yes we can treat acne quite successively than allopathy.

For mild cases we can treat your eczema with our own 100% natural skin care products . In more severe cases it is best to contact us and book in for a consultation.